Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Picture a Day

Okay, I need to take more pictures.

I know a lot of other people have done this but my goal is to take at least one new picture each day. I will post them on this site, although I'm not promising that they will go up every single day. Think bulk upload.

Hopefully this will work.

1 comment:

tony rutt said...


Nothing to do with your blog (keep it up though, I do enjoy checking in with what's going on with you), however I think you're more likely to read this than your other e-mail. Sooo, another jealous music tip from remote Portland, as spotted in yesterdays NYT: Paul Weller: playing THREE nights! Ohmigod, I pondering coming down with the "flu" for a second when I read that! IMHO, one of the great rock musicians to have come out of England in the last 20 years.

Google him.

Take care,

Tony and Debbie