Sunday, August 14, 2005

Thunderbolts of Lightening...

Wow...what interesting weather we've had here in NYC these past few days. It's been HOT and HUMID...basically melting weather. But now a cold front is moving in and colliding with the warm front, perfect conditions for a good old thunderstorm. Warm summer thunderstorms are one of my most favorite weather occurrences. Thunder, lightening, the sound and smell of rain...what more can you ask for. My windows are thrown open and I'm sitting by the window listening, watching, and smelling the drama that is transpiring outside. If it's still raining later on I may go for a long summer rainstorm run. I love those runs the most. I can't go out just yet because I have a huge pot of peach, nectarine, shiro plum jam boiling away on the stove. I got a gigantic load of summer fruit this week in my CSA. I have to cook down the jam a bit more before I can jar it, seal it, and sterilize it. Then I shall strap on those running shoes for my run.

This was fun weekend. It was a mini-vacation weekend for me. I took Friday off and am also off tomorrow as well. The fun started on Thursday evening. I had AI and LA over for dinner (I fed them lots of veggies) and then we talked about boys, broken hearts, tentative hearts, remaining open to love, and what attending Union Theological Seminary is like. All very inspiring stuff. I laughed, I feed, I shared love...what more can a girl ask for. I spent the rest of the weekend practicing yoga, writing poetry, playing really bad acoustic guitar, sketching painting ideas, cooking some more, attending a sample sale (and scoring a beautimous winter has strawberries on it! but in a very elegant, fashion forward sort of way), having more friends over, attending a lovely UU church, and meeting up with another for a tasty brunch. A very good weekend indeed.

Alas, in reviewing my last paragraph I realize that I fail horribly when it comes to living up to the stereotype of the hot, sexy, single girl about town. No late nights of drunken debauchery, no kissing of random boys, no waking up not knowing what I did the previous night.

Eeeehhhh...I'm not all that concerned. I'm happy and surrounded by much love. What more can a girl ask for?

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